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New Kid On The Block

Registered: 04-2013
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Re: The Aerial

hi there I new to this I got a silver rod right now but I thinking of getting myself a 4 element yagi are they any good and how high do it need to go 30foot up in the air all some more I think I can get a 50foot pole if it do need to go that high because I havnt as a beam befour I was alway work vertical local talking to mate but cb seem to be dieing out that why I going to try this part out to have a little play on the sideband all can you work the world on fm without going on sideband all am I know I here some on the midband on fm that all
6/Apr/2013, 3:54 pm Link to this post Send Email to 163don181   Send PM to 163don181 Blog

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