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Registered: 03-2008
Location: South West England
Posts: 1389
Karma: 7 (+7/-0)
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PLT information

Some of you may be aware of the PLT issue, and how I feel about Ofcom's continued reluctance to do bugger all about it.

If you aren't quite sure what all the fuss is about, the following site should enlighten you:

If you want to join an action group, here they are:

The RSGB want to stop the proliferation of PLT devices too, and have set up a Spectrum Defence Fund to accept contributions. This will be used to fund the enormous legal fees anticipated in opposing Ofcom's current stance. The following is a link to details about this fund should you consider donating:

Andy - 26 FB107
30/Jan/2011, 1:16 pm Link to this post Send Email to Hot Fusion   Send PM to Hot Fusion

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